Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Do you remember that blog on Wordpress, 'Stuff White People Like' that Peach-Bone mentioned a while back? I remember seeing an interview with the guy that makes the blog... He said the whitest band is Vampire Weekend, and the whitest movie is Juno.

Juno comes out on video today. And this weekend I bought two tickets to see Vampire Weekend. Upon further thought about the SWPL blog, I realized that I am very white, but I am white and uncool, and that is why most of the stuff doesn't apply to me. I did a google search to find the SWPL blog again and I found some other kid's blog: I'm pretty sure we've heard this one before. Apparently it is by some cat named John who has an odd obsession with Cmah. Cmah is Asian I think. John and Cmah have the usual man-love thing going on that alot of guys have. So anyway John did this post about SWPL and then he and his friends went on and listed all of the "stuff" and decided if it applied to them. Let's look at how I stack up:

* #82 Hating Corporations: No. I love corporations. Seriously.
* #81 Graduate School: I'm in G-skoo. (1)
* #80 The Idea of Soccer: Sure. (2)
* #79 Modern Furniture: Lame.
* #78 Multilingual Children: Planning on having a Hispanic nanny. (3)
* #77 Musical Comedy: boring.
* #76 Bottles of Water: I like tap.
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada: it's too cold
* #74 Oscar Parties: no.
* #73 Gentrification: maybe (3.5)
* #72 Study Abroad: I love America. I never want to leave.
* #71 Being the only white person around: no.
* #70 Difficult Breakups: No.
* #69 Mos Def: I didn't even know who he was until he was in a film with Jack Black. I can pass on Mos Def.
* #68 Michel Gondry: who is this?
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts: I like to move ever so slightly.
* #66 Divorce: no!
* #65 Co-Ed Sports: I prefer not to sweat in front of boys.
* #64 Recycling: YES! (4.5)
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches: no thanks, I'll eat my yogurt and blueberries from home.
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People: I try not to think about them.
* #61 Bicycles: They seem scary to me now.
* #60 Toyota Prius: Ken has one, and it is kinda cool. But I want a hybrid convertible. (5)
* #59 Natural Medicine: no. drug me up and knock me out.
* #58 Japan: I love America, not Japan.
* #57 Juno: I wish I was Juno. (6)
* #56 Lawyers: are lame.
* #55 Apologies: I'll avoid talking to people if I can help it.
* #53 Dogs: I LOVE DOGS! (7)
* #52 Sarah Silverman: who?
* #51 Living by the Water: I never have, although it could be nice. (7.5)
* #50 Irony: I'm not sure how this applies.
* #49 Vintage: I'll pass. I like Natalie-Dee T-shirts though.
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops: No.
* #47 Arts Degrees: I'm more into Basic Sciences.
* #46 The Sunday New York Times: Why did this make the list?
* #45 Asian Fusion Food: I don't like Asian Food.
* #44 Public Radio: We only listen to Angry-White-Boy around here.
* #43 Plays: I'd rather be walking my dogs.
* #42 Sushi: No.
* #41 Indie Music: Not because it is indie (8)
* #40 Apple Products: I'm anti apple.
* #39 Netflix: No
* #38 Arrested Development: I don't approve. I am pro-development. Apparently it is funny. I haven't seen it.
* #37 Renovations: Pain in the ass.
* #36 Breakfast Places: I'll pass, thanks.
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report: I don't stay up that late.
* #34 Architecture: huh?
* #33 Marijuana: No
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism: No
* #31 Snowboarding: I avoid cold things.
* #30 Wrigley Field: I am against baseball
* #29 80s Night: I love 80's music. but the people that would attend 80's night annoy me.
* #28 Not having a TV: we have more TVs than people in my house.
* #27 Marathons: I don't think they are healthy.
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!): too expensive for me.
* #25 David Sedaris: who is this?
* #24 Wine: I don't drink. But I like white wine sauce. (8.5)
* #23 Microbreweries: no. Gay.
* #22 Having Two Last Names: I have one last name. And one ex-last-name.
* #21 Writers Workshops: No.
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture: no.
* #19 Traveling: No. I like staying home.
* #18 Awareness: only of me and nice things. I don't want to know about problems. (9)
* #17 Hating their Parents: no
* #16 Gifted Children: I am one. (10)
* #15 Yoga: Too Slow
* #14 Having Black Friends: the black girls would rather hang out with other black girls and not me. :(
* #13 Tea: at times. (10.5)
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations: indifferent
* #11 Asian Girls: indifferent
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies: I don't know who this is.
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside: I don't care if you go outside or not.
* #8 Barack Obama: I don't know. I'd vote Hillary before him. *gasp*
* #7 Diversity: it looks good on paper, but not one of my passions.
* #6 Organic Food: no.
* #5 Farmer’s Markets: only in Louisiana. (11.5)
* #4 Assists: Is this a religion about Ass?
* #3 Film Festivals: I don't have time for them.
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to: I like religions. (12.5)
* #1 Coffee: Only Diet Soda for me.

So that is it. My score 12.5/82
I am 15.24% white.
84.76% Uncool.
I gave myself 1 point for each (Yes), 0.5 points for (Maybe/Sometimes) and 0 points for (No).

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