I scored 31 points total, which means that I am 32.6% predictable. Not bad, whitey.
* #82 Hating Corporations: I don't really feel too strongly about them.
* #81 Graduate School: No thanks.
* #80 The Idea of Soccer: I am against it.
* #79 Modern Furniture: I like it. (1)
* #78 Multilingual Children: No kids, thanks.
* #77 Musical Comedy: What?
* #76 Bottles of Water: Come in handy. (2)
* #75 Threatening to Move to Canada: Haha, this is so Carolline. I'm happy where I am though, thank you.
* #74 Oscar Parties: I'll pass.
* #73 Gentrification: I'm contributing to it, sorry Brooklyn. (3)
* #72 Study Abroad: I'll study a broad or two. (Jokes!)
* #71 Being the only white person around: No.
* #70 Difficult Breakups: Icky.
* #69 Mos Def: Don't care.
* #68 Michel Gondry: Yeah. (4)
* #67 Standing Still at Concerts: No way!
* #66 Divorce: Sad.
* #65 Co-Ed Sports: What are these sports you speak of?
* #64 Recycling: Totally! (5)
* #63 Expensive Sandwiches: Subway is just fine by me. $5 footlong.
* #62 Knowing What’s Best for Poor People: I don't know anything about what's best for anyone.
* #61 Bicycles: Can be totally useful. Wear a helmet please. (6)
* #60 Toyota Prius: Never been in one. I'm more into mass transit now.
* #59 Natural Medicine: I'm more of a prescription girl.
* #58 Japan: Never been there, but would like to. (7)
* #57 Juno: Too precious for my taste.
* #56 Lawyers: Who?
* #55 Apologies: No apologies. (8)
* #54 Kitchen Gadgets: gross.
* #53 Dogs: I'm more of a cat person now.
* #52 Sarah Silverman: I dunno. She's ok? (8.5)
* #51 Living by the Water: Breeding grounds for mosquitoes, No Thanks.
* #50 Irony: Ok, ok. (9.5)
* #49 Vintage: indifferent.
* #48 Whole Foods and Grocery Co-ops: I HATE grocery stores. All of them. They make me suicidal.
* #47 Arts Degrees: Even though my radio-television-film degree is technically classified as a science degree, I'm going to say yes. (10.5)
* #46 The Sunday New York Times: Why did this make the list?
* #45 Asian Fusion Food: I think so. (11.5)
* #44 Public Radio: Sure! (12.5)
* #43 Plays: If my friends are in them. (13)
* #42 Sushi: Delicious! (14)
* #41 Indie Music: Totally. (15)
* #40 Apple Products: Totally. (16)
* #39 Netflix: Don't have it, but am glad that my girlfriend does. (16.5)
* #38 Arrested Development: I like what little I've seen. (17)
* #37 Renovations: Sounds like a lot of work.
* #36 Breakfast Places: Guilty of brunching, yes. (18)
* #35 The Daily Show/Colbert Report: I'll watch it if someone puts it on. (18.5)
* #34 Architecture: I enjoy a good building every now and then. (19.5)
* #33 Marijuana: Thanks, but no thanks.
* #32 Vegan/Vegetarianism: I like the meats.
* #31 Snowboarding: I tried this once when I was little and almost killed myself.
* #30 Wrigley Field: I prefer the gum.
* #29 80s Night: NO.
* #28 Not having a TV: I neglect my TV, but enjoying knowing that it's there for me when I need it. (20.5)
* #27 Marathons: Pukey puke.
* #26 Manhattan (now Brooklyn too!): I live in Brooklyn. (21.5)
* #25 David Sedaris: Don't care.
* #24 Wine: Gives me headaches.
* #23 Microbreweries: Don't care.
* #22 Having Two Last Names: My last name is awesome enough to stand on its own.
* #21 Writers Workshops: No thanks.
* #20 Being an expert on YOUR culture: This is dumb.
* #19 Traveling: Like it like it like it. (22.5)
* #18 Awareness: WHAT.
* #17 Hating their Parents: I LOVE my parents.
* #16 Gifted Children: I don't like kids.
* #15 Yoga: Makes me puke.
* #14 Having Black Friends: I like friends. (23)
* #13 Tea: Makes me feel good. (24)
* #12 Non-Profit Organizations: Eh.
* #11 Asian Girls: Eh.
* #10 Wes Anderson Movies: Don't feel that strongly about them.
* #9 Making you feel bad about not going outside: Hahaha, I am usually on the receiving end of this.
* #8 Barack Obama: Shrug
* #7 Diversity: I like it. (25)
* #6 Organic Food: Sure! (26)
* #5 Farmer’s Markets: I hate shopping for food.
* #4 Assists: Huh??
* #3 Film Festivals: I only go if I have something screening (oops) (26.5)
* #2 Religions their parents don’t belong to: No thanks.
* #1 Coffee: Makes me insane, but I enjoy drinking it (27.5)
Added Bonus!
*#95 Rugby: Eww
*#94 Free Healthcare: Sounds really good in theory. My parents make a good case against it however. I'm on the fence. (28)
#93 Music Piracy: I like getting paid for the music I make. I buy hard copies of music I like.
#92 Book Deals: Never really enters my consciousness.
*#91 San Francisco: Fuck that place. Seriously. San Francisco stole my gear and broke my heart.
*#90 Dinner Parties: Dislike them for some reason. Seems like they're trying too hard.
*#89: St. Patrick's Day: Distracts from the best day of the year, my birthday.
*#88 Having Gay Friends: I wish all my friends were gay. (29)
*#87 Outdoor Performance Clothes: Hell no.
*#86 Shorts: Not unless they come down to my knees. Are they called something else then?
*#85 The Wire: Unless you're referring to the experimental music magazine, I'm going to say no.
*#84 T-Shirts: I've been down with t-shirts as of late. Yes, I like them. (30)
*#83: Bad Memories of High School: Totally. (31)
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