Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Street Art +

I captured these street pieces on my walk to the Graham L train a few weeks ago and thought I would share them with you all. One thing that I really enjoy about commuting is all of the street art and subway ephemera that I encounter. I have a photo set on flickr of détourned subway posters that I've photographed since I moved here. My old commute on the Nassau G train contained a hotbed of good subway collage. Most of the my photos were taken there. Here are some of my favorites:

I've noticed a lot of interesting street art in the warehouse area along the Greenpoint/ Williamsburg border. This is a close-up of a portion of a fairly large wheatpasted print near my practice space:

And finally, here is a photo I took a couple of weeks ago when I was on my way to a guitar shop in Williamsburg and was struck by the beautiful colors and composition of the ivy growing on this building:


Fermi said...

The cupcake pictures (first two) are the best.

James Goeders said...

I think the ivy is fantastic