Friday, August 29, 2008

economics, hurricanes, and marriage, oh my!

so, i'm back from my long months of no blogging- just caught up, and am happy to see that everyone else was still writing and doing well!
my life has been insane lately. fantastic, but insane. i woke up at 5:30 this morning to make breakfast for my hubby before work, and because i'm trying to do as much work as possible. we're leaving asap to go visit his family for the weekend (and to escape the impending hurricane....) and i know i won't be working much while we're there.

i have much to update about, but as usual, not much time. so i think a list will do....

1) i apologize to everyone for the email with password info- that one was my fault. it seems it has been SO long that i could not remember......heh....
2) fermi- that facebook video is great!
3) the wedding was perfect....and actually not because it was big and (mostly) traditional, but because it was us. we incorporated some mexican/catholic traditions into the (methodist) ceremony, which was really fun- my friends from china and germany were so excited to go to an american wedding and it was nice to be able to share his culture as well as mine.
4) the honeymoon was even more perfect.....enough said.
5) since we lived together before the wedding, being married isn't much different.....except that now it's official, and actually we're closer than all respects
6) school started this week and i feel more pressure than ever. this is my last semester of coursework, meanwhile i am supposed to be writing a minimum of 2 research papers (high quality) and teaching a course
7) the issues i'm having with teaching need their own blog, and i'll get to that later.
8) i think we have mice in our house, but am in denial

hopefully this weekend will go well, both here with the storm and with the inlaws...

happy friday!

1 comment:

Novella said...

Nice to see a post from you. Glad that you are happy and doing well! I'd love to hear more about what you're up to whenever you have some spare time to blog.

I recommend looking into some live (no-kill) mouse traps. I was at a dollar store the other day and saw some glue rat traps that had a picture of a guinea pig on the packaging!?