Not sure if I've reported to you all that I joined online dating services on a whim, but I think that I have, so here's an update. I met in person, for the first time ever, someone whom I know solely from the Interwebs.
I was studying at CC's when he met up with me for coffee. I left all of my books out, which was many, and we talked for a little over an hour. He's from the north, and at the risk of sounding too southern, he was so obviously a yankee. Well . . . maybe it wasn't the obvious yankee in him that turned me off, rather the shameless snob. He claimed that no one knew how to make coffee in the south and admitted that CC's is "the lowest he'll go." Digging his grave deeper, he admitted that if he sees one of his students working, he'll direct them as per how his crema on his espresso should turn out. I thought this was the end, but alas, he admitted further that, he once BROUGHT HIS OWN COFFEE to a C-O-F-F-E-E H-O-U-S-E and asked them to brew it for him. I probably had a look of pity on my face after this admission, because he then fessed up that he, "has something of a coffee problem." He mentioned that in one of his e-mails.
At the time, I didn't know how serious he was.
He also said that we don't have real bagels here, but after some of the bagels I had in New York, I can kind of see where he's coming from.
He seemed SO much older than I am and he's supposedly only 31. Don't know if I believe that.
When he got up to leave -- which was abrupter than abrupt -- he said hurriedly, "It was lovely meeting you . . . See you around." And walked off without so much as a notion of the hand shake he introduced himself with.
That was a little disheartening.
Well- I can see why he is single...
You would be surprised how many grad students have met their significant other via a online dating site.
Jewish date
Match. com
Perhaps Eharmony is too harmonious...
Or perhaps you should change your profile to something about having a non-high maintenance person is important.
He was from Match.
And I put in my profile that I don't like spending time with people who take themselves too seriously.
Either he didn't see that, or somehow doesn't believe he fits that description . . . ??
Thank you for sharing that tidbit about grad students meeting their partners on the Interwebs. I needed that encouragement.
HAHAHA! HIS OWN COFFEE?! The way you wrote that is hilarious.
Love the tag, too.
Consider it practice.
Did you ever see that Seinfeld where Jerry went out with this girl who looked awesome at the coffee place, but not in other lighting? Sometimes I feel like that with dating....sometimes a person seems totally okay in one setting, and completely not in another.
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